Head Injury
Getting a head injury while on the job or from an unexpected accident can be traumatic and can change your life. Head injuries are delicate matters and can range in seriousness and severity. If you had a slip and fall accident or had an accident at work, you may be eligible for compensation. Get in touch with our attorneys to get a case evaluation and see if we can help you. We are committed to standing by you the whole time to make sure you get what’s right.
Car Accident If you were in a car accident and got a head injury, give us a call. After years of representing victims from car crashes and truck accidents, we’re prepared to take on your case. Whether you were on the job or were simply out doing daily chores, you should be able to receive accident coverage. Many times, motor vehicle accidents can change your life, especially if you got a head injury from the accident. We’ll defend your case to include any future discomfort or disability you may encounter in your compensation package. Injury at Work Some injuries are easy to prevent while others are more difficult because they can happen at unexpected times. Head injuries are like that: you never know when you might get one. If you work in an office, a simple bump in the head on a door could give you a concussion. If you work as a motor vehicle driver, in construction, or in other more active places, there is a higher possibility of getting a head injury, even when wearing a helmet. In either case, you can be eligible for workers’ compensation both for the medical bills and any work days you missed while in recuperation. Stress After years of work and managing daily tasks, stress can accumulate. Thinking about paying off a mortgage, paying school bills, getting all projects done at work, or simply saving enough money to go on a well-deserved vacation can be stressful and can take a toll on you mental and physical health. If you suffer from chronic anxiety, head aches, or other mental illnesses, they may be caused by stress. Get in touch with one of our attorneys to find out whether we can represent you to ask for workers’ compensation from overstress levels in the workplace. Denied or Delayed Claims Our attorneys can help you at any stage in the process of asking for compensation from a personal injury. If you have already started the claim but don’t know how to proceed, we can jump in at any point and offer a helping hand. Our attorneys can also be useful if you have already placed a claim but it is delayed or has been denied. In these situations, the Workers Compensation lawyers will thoroughly investigate your case to repeal and get another, more fair opportunity, at demanding your workers’ compensation and getting fair treatment. There is nothing our lawyers wont take on. |